Network Tools/Toolkit
I wrote a network toolkit app as a weekend project, mainly because I needed one of those and when I searched for it, the first few results had ads, tracking and/or annoying cookie banners.
I mean imagine your network is down, you just want to quickly check stuff while restoring it, and then half the screen is taken up by some ad that might not even load in case you’re offline so you’re just looking at a blank screen with a tiny speck of information, if you’re lucky enough that it’s not fully blocked, or you get a “subscription required” screen. Super annoying, to the point where you almost loose interest in fixing your issue, since you must code an app for that first.
No Ads or Tracking
The app shows no ads and doesn’t contain any tracking functionality. The only thing collected are the crash logs and installation count that apple automatically collects (there is no way to turn that off as far as I know; If there is a way let me know please). No screen space is wasted on annoying things and the app does not care whether you’re connected to the internet.
Network information
The app can show network information like the state of the current connection, and the properties of the different interfaces configured on the device.
Since v1.2 the app also can resolve the public IP of your device, although this feature is opt-in since a request has to be sent to a third party to do that.
You can ping target hosts and view result metrics like round trip time, and responding hostname/address.
You can run an ICMP-based traceroute to visualize the path(s) packets take to a target, with metrics like round trip time, and name resolution of responding hosts.
You can run DNS lookups for various (or any/all) record types for any domain using either a default (currently or custom name server.
Port Scan (Added in 1.2)
You can run port scans for any domain/ip using TCP, UDP or both with a custom port range, or all ports.
Network Calculators (Added in 1.3)
You can calculate various things like CIDR from a subnet mask, subnet ranges, and wildcard mask. Currently, the calculator can do IPv4 only.
Planned Features
I also plan to add or improve the following things:
- Improve DNS results
- With some DNS responses, the values are formatted weirdly after parsing
- Some SOA results seem to be duplicated or should be organized differently
- Allow UDP/TCP “Pings”
- Add History/Result Recorder
- Maybe even some sort of export functionality
Add port scanning functionality(Added in 1.2)Add network calculators(Added in 1.3)
Download Link
The app is completely free to use, and can be downloaded on the AppStore. I hope this app is useful, if not don’t hesitate to tell me the ways I can improve it.